Monday, May 12, 2014

Zeitoun Double Quote Hero

Zeitoun hero or Coward ??? 
Zeitoun the story of a man who had done great things at a price. It is argued constantly whether or not he was a hero or a coward trying to avoid deeper problems.I do believe Zeitoun was a hero. in my opinion though I would argue that ,Zeitoun was a hero of circumstance. A hero of circumstance is a person whose actions in a certain situation go above and beyond the norm and this only happens because said person decides that he/or she has nothing elese more important to take care of so in the meantime he/she diverts thier energy and resoucres to helping out others. Altough he had a lot of supposed reasons and excuses to why he chose to stay behind and not leave with his family. A little background behind this Zeitoun is a hard working individual from syria who comes to america and ends up being successful with his business ventures, has he owns his own painting industry and multiple properties with 6-18 different tenants.Now there is a category 5 level hurricane on the way and most civilians  and residents in the area that can flea and evacuate do so. "Honey,I think we should go" this is zeitoun s wife suggesting that they should also flea,but,Zeitoun he has worked so hard to make his dreams come to fruition that he decides he is going to stay to try and protect his business, and he has his family flea  {50-51}. This is where Zeitoun begins his questionable cicrcumstational Heroism. The hurricane comes through and the streets are flooded, people are stranded buildings have capsized. Everything is in dismay and on top of that you have different types of millitary and police personnel areesting people and taking ithem away.In the midst of all this chaos here is Zeitoun realizing that he migh have made a mistake in stayin since mostly everything around him  is destroyed. With no family or friends he begins somewhat of a crusade where he goes out in search of fellow survivors.He constantly performs this action and brings them back to his building where he provides food shelter at the bare minimum level that he can.This is why I say he is acircumstational hero,becaause he only began to do what he did given the circumstances he was in, and at times he felt like giving up.I beleive if Zeitoun family had decided to stay with him his biggest concern would have been forget everybodyelses let me take care of my family. Thus making him a circumstational hero,in y opinion. It does make a reference to thier family pride and reminsecne of his dead brothers memory,"Be strong,Be brave,Be true, Endure." Were some of the famous words from his brother momahed.

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