Monday, April 7, 2014

The Positive/Negative of today's Government on climate change
    New York response in hurricane sandy was quick and well informed and got out to the public quickly,but what they failed and I believe dropped the ball is they id not use every resource the had possible to help protect their citizens,but has soon as it passes though we have large companies buying up land and building malls and shopping centers and the selling of the victims homes at low prices as seen here in .It seems they see natural disasters has business ventures now. In the shock doctrine Naomi Klein's speaks of the Deadlock ,"the combination of a broke government and needy people will provide just the catalyst needed to break the deadlock",   this refers to how our government in times of need decide to overlook and bend the rules a little to their pleasing.There should be no reason why a sandy victim should till this day be homeless or living in a shelter.People come all over the world to the united states because of our security and we our "the land of opportunity." Since we have such a reputation we owe to the citizens that come here to do a better job when it comes to protecting them from natural disasters.The after response of sandy was disappointing it was simply not good enough,they did what they had to do to look good in the public eye and afterwards used their power to shove them to the side and we are seeing this everyday. People forcibly put down in businesses due to their lack of power and resources the government breaches the deadlock nowadays any which way they can.Its a shame how the world operates nowadays.


  1. Great ideas, but it's hard to read. Break your ideas down into paragraphs.
