Monday, March 24, 2014

Quote munchies

New York Times

In the New york times there is an article that talks about the water portion of the global warming factor,showing how under prepared we are based on our mentality towards the situation. This is a true factor in my opinion because to be prepared for globalwarming and in its entiretity  people they get up and act as we see through history and take initative through thier actions and stop waiting for the government  .In the New York times article Seas and Risk Rise Mierya Navarro interviews and writes and touches base on different aspects of sea level increase

  one speaker in the article interviewed by Mierya Navarro is and  Douglas Hill says a key point   that “They lack a sense of urgency about this,” but he refers to city officials{Navarro} . I personally believe the blame should be put elsewhere on the people not the officials
in other words he is trying to say that officials  are very lackadaisical  but I'm saying its us we as people need to be more aware on  this situation and that we need to have more of a notion to care.I agree with Douglas Hill's point its not the officials; We need to start caring because no matter how much the government does its up to us to make the change we the people have has its stated in the united states constitution "We the people" just like back in the days of slavery it was people who decided enough is enough and its time to take action. Similar to our global warming situation until Americans get the notion to want to make change we will never be truly prepared for climate change.

First Draft Peer review 
Today was our peer review on our paper to the mayor on climate change and my classmates Tanya and Tiffany they both liked my paper on the summarizing and both said its very strong and i make a good point. they both say i should use more referrals to the book .Tanya showed me that i should use more direct quotes fact being i do not have any. Tiffany on the other must've spent i good 25-30 Min's exposing all my grammatical errors in my paper i didn't think there was a lot but boy did she find plenty.They were both very helpful in editing my paper,and i feel I'm on the right path to writing an A paper which I'm hoping to get because its English i have always gotten As.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Battle of the Graphs Temperature VS Time

Greetings to all my fellow classmates and bloggers alike. my name is Allen and I am a student in professor Roger Coppers English 101 class,and ill will be comparing explaining and integrating the similarities and differences between two graphs on the world Global temperature downfall from the Literary work The climate casino risk and uncertainties by William Nordhous.

   On page 39 In the literary work the climate casino by William Nordhous there is a graph there listed that shows the atmospheric concentration of Carbon dioxide gas measured at the Mauna Lao observatory in Hawaii between the years of 1958 -2012. This graph shows a gradually increase by parts per million of at least 15 for every 10 years.Which means has the years go on us has Americans tend to depend more and more on carbon based materials. This dependance is only hurting us in the long run .

      In conjunction to the graph that provides detailusage and dependancy of carbon based material we also have a graph listed on page 46  figure 8 which shows us the general temperature trend from 1850-2012 This is where you can see how the more we use carbon based materials the more it starts to affect our world this graph depicts an over  the course of time ..............