New York Times
In the New york times there is an
article that talks about the water portion of the global warming
factor,showing how under prepared we are based on our mentality towards the situation. This is a true factor in my opinion because to be prepared for globalwarming and in its entiretity people they get up and act as we see through history and take initative through thier actions and stop waiting for the government .In the New York times article Seas and Risk Rise Mierya Navarro interviews and writes and touches base on different aspects of sea level increase
in other words he is trying to say that officials are very lackadaisical but I'm saying its us we as people need to be more aware on this situation and that we need to have more of a notion to care.I agree with Douglas Hill's point its not the officials; We need to start caring because no matter how much the government does its up to us to make the change we the people have has its stated in the united states constitution "We the people" just like back in the days of slavery it was people who decided enough is enough and its time to take action. Similar to our global warming situation until Americans get the notion to want to make change we will never be truly prepared for climate change.
one speaker in the article interviewed by Mierya Navarro is and Douglas Hill says a key point that “They lack a sense of urgency about this,” but he refers to city officials{Navarro} . I personally believe the blame should be put elsewhere on the people not the officials
in other words he is trying to say that officials are very lackadaisical but I'm saying its us we as people need to be more aware on this situation and that we need to have more of a notion to care.I agree with Douglas Hill's point its not the officials; We need to start caring because no matter how much the government does its up to us to make the change we the people have has its stated in the united states constitution "We the people" just like back in the days of slavery it was people who decided enough is enough and its time to take action. Similar to our global warming situation until Americans get the notion to want to make change we will never be truly prepared for climate change.